Showing posts with label DXA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DXA. Show all posts

Saturday 13 April 2019

SDL Tridion sites 9 PCA with REACT

Tridion sites 9 PCA is getting popular more and more every day, and today in this blog, we will be creating an app using Apollo Client to communicate with SDL Tridion GraphQL API. We will integrate Apollo Client with ReactJS, but you can use it with several other client platforms as well.

Setting Up The Project

To get started we first need to set up a new React project. The easiest way to do so is to use create-react-app. This script creates a new React project.
 npm install -g create-react-app react-graphql  
 cd react-graphql  
 npm start  

with this, you will have the default app up and running on port number 3000, This is initiating a new basic React project in the newly created project folder react-graphql. By using the npm start to command the live-reloading development web server is started and the output of the default React project can be accessed in the browser:

Default ReactJS

In order to work with GraphQL, we have to install Dependencies. The next step is to install the needed dependencies.

  • apollo-boost: Package containing everything you need to set up Apollo Client
  • react-apollo: View layer integration for React
  • graphql-tag: Necessary for parsing your GraphQL queries
  • graphql: Also parses your GraphQL queries
The installation of these dependencies can be done by using the following NPM command

 $ npm install apollo-boost react-apollo graphql-tag graphql  

Project Structure 
As you can see I've imported react-apollo in order to work with GraphQL. In today's demo, we will see how to get the Dynamic Component Presentation and reder the same in React based webapp. To start this I've created a new schema with Title and Description as content fields and used the default DXA standard Metadata Schema as well.

Based on this new schema I've created 3 new components and published them using Dynamic CT. They are now available via PCA.
3 DCPs for Demo Purpose

DCPs via GraphiQL

Next, is call PCA using Apollo Client and ReactJS and render the DCPs.

Here is the query to get all the DCPs to render them on the News and Article Landing page.
 const repoQuery = gql`  
  componentPresentations(namespaceId: 1, publicationId: 11, filter: {schema: {id: 789}}) {  
   edges {  
    node {  
     rawContent {  

Based on the query criteria we are getting 3 DCPs which is correct

PCA output

Next, Display the Data

Let's write some JSX to display the fetched data. I'm fetching/rendering the data from both Metadata and Content fields, just to test the feasibility/flexibility and syntax.

 class News extends Component {  
  render() {  
   return (  
     <h2>News and Articles Landing Page</h2>   
     { === true ? "Loading" :   
        data =>  
       <ul key={}>  
       <li style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>  
         <a href={"newsdetails?ids=" +  
          "&name="[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-')}>  

And Finally, our News and Article Landing page with DCPs is ready, not the very attractive UI though 😊 

DCPs Rendering on ReactJS app
In the next blog, we will be creating News details page and will try to implement search and other features as well. 
You can download the sample application from GitHub, don't forget to update the PCA URL 

Happy Coding and Keep Sharing !!!! 

Thursday 15 November 2018

SDL Tridion Sites 9 with DXA 2.0 on Windows 10

On Wednesday 7th NOV, SDL Announces the new release SDL Tridion Sites 9 and I got this opportunity to explore this new version and today we are going to install the SDL Tridion 9 on Windows 10 (Not Recommended/supported by SDL though).

The first Step is Install Database by running the PowerShell scripts. I have MSSQL Server 2016 SP2 Developer Edition installed on my local machine and the following DBs are installed.

Next is run the SDLTridionSites9.exe installer but this time from the command line.

Once the step is finished successfully you would able to browse the SDL Tridion Sites 9.
SDL Tridion Sites 9

Next Step is Installed the Content Delivery Microservice and for that go to the installation media folder and navigate to \Content Delivery\resources\quickinstall

First, we need to update the setenv.ps1 and after the run the quickinstall.ps1 

After the quickinstall.ps1 stop executing go and check the windows services to confirm the service are installed properly and they are running as well.
and last the discovery-registration.jar to update the capabilities.

So we finally able to install SDL Tridion Sites 9 and all Microservice on Windows 10 but we also need to updte the Topology Manager to be able to start Publishing and for that, we need to open PowerShell in Administrator mode and run the following command in the sequence.

 > Add-TtmCdTopologyType -Id "TOPOLOGYTYPEID" -Name "TOPOLOGYTYPENAME" -EnvironmentPurposes “PURPOSES”  
 > Add-TtmCdEnvironment -Id "CDENVIRONMENTID" -EnvironmentPurpose "CDENVIRONMENTPURPOSE" -DiscoveryEndpointUrl "DISCOVERYENDPOINTURL"   
 > Add-TtmCdTopology -Id "TOPOLOGYID" -Name "TOPOLOGYNAME" -CdTopologyTypeId "TOPOLOGYTYPEID" -CdEnvironmentIds "CDENVIRONMENTIDS"  
 > Add-TtmWebsite -Id "WEBSITEID" -CdEnvironmentId "CDENVIRONMENTID" -BaseUrls “BASEURLS”  

Once that is done you can create a dummy publication create BPT map that BPT with Topology Type, create SG and page and test publishing.

I've installed the latest DXA CMS import, Downloaded the DXA .NET Framework and we also need DXA-Model-Service from SDL official GitHub, after some tweak in the code I was able to run the DXA web application.
DXA CMS import

DXA WEB Application 

Happy coding and Keep Sharing !!!

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Client Side Caching in SDL DXA using Redis

What is Redis?

Redis (Remote Dictionary Server)  is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.

Redis is good for cache, but it's much more than just a cache. It's high speed fully in-memory database.

Not just a cache:-
  • In memory key-value storage.
  • Support multiple datatypes (strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, and hyperloglogs).
  • It provides an ability to store cache data into physical storage (if needed).
  • Support the pub-sub model.
  • Redis cache provides replication for high availability (master/slave).

SDL DXA comes up with the pre-defined configuration of Redis for client-side caching to improve the performance of Web-application.

Installing the Redis
  • Download the Redis and extract the zip file in a directory at any location.e;g in c:\redis
      Next is open the command prompt and run following command
  • redis-server.exe to start the Redis server
    Redis server
  • redis-cli.exe to start the command line interface. redis-cli is the Redis command line interface, a simple program that allows to send commands to Redis and read the replies sent by the server, directly from the terminal.
    Redis CLI

Next, is configure DXA to use Redis for client-side caching go to DXA web.config and navigate to <>  node and there we already have Redis configuration setup we just need to update the cacheName. You set the policy of expiry as per the requirement.

Redis Configuration in DXA Web.config

Restart the IIS and spin the DXA Website, the site will trigger the page caching and it will add it to the Redis database.

To test the data is saved in Redis or not install Redis Desktop manager and refresh the page to load the data. In the below image you see data is cached in the Redis.

Redis Desktop Manager

Happy Coding and Keep Sharing!!!

Saturday 17 March 2018

RUN SDL DXA inside Windows Docker Container

In one of my previous blog post, we learned, How to run SDL DXA theming inside Docker. Today we are going to run SDL DXA in Window Docker. It is really quick and easy. To learn more about my previous blog post click here.

Steps to setup you SDL DXA-WEBAPP in Docker

  1. Download DXA latest version from SDL GITHUB account.
  2. Create a folder at any location, this path will be used as a physical location when you run the web-install.ps1.
  3. Go to the Root directory and create Dockerfile.
  4. Here, it is very important to understand that what all you need to have in your DockerFile. I faced couple of issues while I was working on this but managed to solve all of them.
  5. Once your SDL DXA is installed copy and paste below sample Dockerfile content in your file.
  6.  FROM microsoft/aspnet  
     RUN New-Item c:\sdldxaindocker -type directory  
     WORKDIR /sdldxaindocker  
     COPY ./DXADOCKER/ .  
     RUN Remove-WebSite -Name 'Default Web Site'   
     RUN New-Website -Name 'DXADOCKER' -Port 80 -PhysicalPath 'c:\sdldxaindocker'  -ApplicationPool '.NET v4.5'  
  7. Open PowerShell in Admin mode and navigate to root directory created in step 2.
  8. Run the following Docker commands.
    • docker build -t sdldxaindocker .     (refer ScreenShot 1)
    • docker run -d --name sdldxaindockerimage sdldxaindocker  (refer Screenshot 2)
    • docker inspect -f  "{{ NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" sdldxaindockerimage  (refer ScreenShot 3)
  9. Last step set-TtmWebsite and update the -BaseUrls
Advantages of using Docker.
  1. You can connect your source code with docker and with this it will keep your code in-sync/updated with your Docker container and solve your CI problems.
  2. You can run this container on any platform.
  3. Automate your build and test pipelines and accelerate your software development.
  4. Minimum Infrastructure.
  5. Load-Balancing can be managed easily.
  6. Improve Efficiency of DevOps.
  7. Easy Distribution, share, and configuration of applications.
  8. Easy and real-time scaling of application 

The output of your Docker commands.

ScreenShot 1
ScreenShot 2
Screenshot 3

Browse the URL

Happy coding and keep sharing !!!!

Friday 20 October 2017

How to dockerize SDL DXA theming module

Docker keeps our code and its dependencies together and lets us more fully utilize our Infrastructure resources.

Today we are going to create a Docker image which contains SDL DXA-theming module before we begin we need to install Docker download the Docker windows installer and run, once installation is finished Docker will start automatically, you can check the whale icon in the notification area. I am running on Docker windows container.

Docker version

We are done with the installation. Now let's talks about 

Docker:- Docker is a tool that is designed to benefit both developers and system administrators, making it a part of many DevOps.

For developers, it means that they can focus on writing code without worrying about the system that it will ultimately be running on.

In a way, Docker is a bit like a virtual machine. But unlike a virtual machine, rather than creating a whole virtual operating system.

It is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. 

SDL DXA-Theming module:- It is used to manage HTML-design create microsites with very minimum efforts.DXA is build using responsive design HTML5 and Bootstrap.It gives us the flexibility to change the design as per requirement.To know more about the DXA-theming please refer my previous blogs here.

Let's begin with creating our first Docker Image.

I already have DXA 1.7 available on my local machine you can download from official SDL GitHub account. Every application requires a specific working environment: pre-installed applications, dependencies, databases, everything in a specific version. Docker containers allow you to create such environments.

As a first step, we need to create DockerFile.

The Docker container is launched on the basis of a Docker image, a template with the application details. The Docker image is created with instructions written in the Dockerfile. Let's add Dockerfile to the directory with our application:


Line 1: Use another Docker image for the template of my image. We shall use the official Node.js image with Node v8.

Line 2: Set working dir in the container to /.design. We shall use this directory to store files, run npm, and launch our application:

Line 3-5: Copy application to /.design directory and install dependencies. If you add the package.json first and run npm install later, Docker won't have to install the dependencies again if you change the package.json file. This results from the way the Docker image is being built (layers and cache).

Line 6: This line describes what should be executed when the Docker image is launching.

Line 7: Expose port 9000 to the outside once the container has launched:

Build Docker Image

Docker comes with pre-defined sets of commands which we can run using powerShell (should be running in Admin mode).Run the docker build command, set the name of our image with -t parameter, and choose the directory with the Dockerfile.

docker build -t hemkant/dxa-theming .

Build Docker Image

Run the Docker Image

The DXA-Theming module has been saved as an image now we need to run the docker run command. Image name should be in lower case.

docker run -p 9000:9000 hemkant/dxa-theming
Run Docker Image

The application is ready to browse using http://localhost:9000 running in docker.

Browse-WhiteLabel HTML Design

Sharing Docker Image

Sharing is carrying. Docker images can be hosted and shared. The most popular are Docker Hub, a GitHub among Docker registries, in which you can host private and public images. Let's push an image to Docker Hub now:

  1. Sign-up at
  2. Run the following two commands
  3. docker build -t hemkant/dxa-theming
  4. docker push hemkant/dxa-theming
Upload image on docker hub.

Docker hub

Once your image is uploaded it's now available to re-use without any hassle by installing the Docker and run the below command easy and cool. You don't have to install Node, bower, NPM, and Grunt on your local machine to run DXA-theming module because everything is already shipped into Docker.

docker run hemkant/dxa-theming

Happy coding and keep sharing!!.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

How to customize DXA theme - Step 2 Edit HTML,update CMS and create HTML-design package

In my previous blog, we have launched the default HTML-Design which come up the DXA framework.Today we are going to make some changes in the design, will see how we can create the update HTML-Design package and finally CMS level changes and then publish those changes.

Modifying the design
As we know DXA framework build using Bootstrap, we can customize it by changing the standard Bootstrap variables in .\system\assets\less\_variables.less, and then rebuild with Grunt.

Let's make some changes. what I did is I have changed the default language selector Dropdown into Dropdown with filter functionality by modifying the design by changing the contents of the .\src\ folder.

Modified HTML

Next step is to create the package for updated HTML-Design and for that we need to run the following command:

grunt package

Create package

The html-design-{yyyy-mm-dd}.zip file in the .\zip\ folder is created. You can upload this .ZIP file in the CMS and republish the HTML design.

Now, we need to update the raw assets for that we need to make changes in HTML design component and to access that navigate Building Blocks/Modules/Core/Admin Folder.Upload the latest and updated there save and close the component and now we need to publish the Publish HTML Design page.

So, we finally updated the HTML-Design, created the package and upload in the CMS. Similarly we can change the branding of our site like change font, background color etc. to this we need to modify the HTML Design Configuration component navigate to the Building Blocks/Settings/Core/Site Manager/ Folder and here we can configure the HTML Design, Build Files, Version Number, Favicon, Bootstrap Configuration this will need to be done for each microsite that you want to style following the locale.

HTML Design Configuration 

Happy coding and keep sharing

Monday 14 August 2017

How to customize DXA theme - Step 1 Launch default HTML design

DXA is build using responsive design HTML5 and Bootstrap.It gives us the flexibility to change the design as per requirement.

Let's start with spinning the already existing HTML-design but before that, we need to install prerequisites.

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Instsll npm,grunt and bower.
    • npm install -g npm@3
    • npm install -g grunt-cli
    • npm install -g bower.
Install npm

Install Gurnt-cli
Install Bower

Once you have done with installations run below command to check node and npm version.

I already have the latest version of Node.js and npm install on my machine.Now let's build the assets we need to copy the content of .\html\desgin from the installation media to any location and run the 
  1. npm install
  2. brower install 
  3. grunt build
What this will do, this will build all the assets and can found in the ./dist folder.

Let's run the site locally and for that we need to run grunt command.
grunt serve

Grunt serve
A web server will be started at http://localhost:9000.

Whitelabel HTML Design
For next step on how to edit HTML, create HTML-Design package and update CMS.

Happy coding and keep sharing!!!                                                                                       

Tuesday 28 February 2017

ElasticSearch Module in DXA

In my last two blogs we have discussed how to create components by consuming the data from Elasticsearch and then how to index data in Elasticsearch when publishing components.

Today,We are going to discuss and create Elasticsearch module in DXA which will have following features .DXA Modules allows us to extend its Functionality via creating new modules. Here we can create new modules which gives us flexibility & re-usability.

Features and Advantages :- 

  • Free text search .
  • Tag based filtering.
  • Lighting fast response powered by Elasticsearch.
  • Pagination and sorting based on fields.
  • Article detail page.

In order to use the Elasticsearch module we need to setup the storage extension and Elasticsearch which we already discussed in my previous blog here.
Once that is done using Elasticsearch module in DXA we can search the content from Elasticsearch and render on DXA based application .

Let's discuss the CMS part first.
Elasticsearch Module structure 

  1. Define module's folder structure
  2. DXA gives us predefined structure where we can keep all the building blocks of the module.
  3. For each new DXA module, we need to create a new folder in Modules Folder
  4. The name of folder is usually module name.

Next is creating the Schema and Component Templates. I have create dynamic components and index them in Elasticsearch and render on the DXA based web application.

  1. Publish all the dynamic components and index them in Elastic.
  2. Create new area in you DXA web Application.
    DXA Module
  3. We can call Elastic RESTFul API to get the data.
  4. Data will be returned in the form of JSON.
  5. Create model to deserialize the JSON.
  6. Let's search for the text SDL.
  7. Result can be further filtered based on tagging as well.
  8. Compare the search result with the data index in Elastic
    Elastic Search RESTFul API

.Happy Coding and Keep Sharing !!!

Sunday 30 October 2016

News and Article Module In DXA

Why Fresh Content is Critical for Your Website?
  1. Keep Your Audience Informed and Updated
  2. Fresh Content Increases Your Authority Potential
  3. More Content, More Keywords
  4. Google Loves Frequent Updates
So, add an article, an image or just make some change on your site to get noticed. The easiest and most effective way to stay fresh is to add a blog on your site and continue to add articles that will get noticed by your viewers.

Today,We are going to discuss and create News and Article module in DXA which will have following features  .DXA Modules allows us to extend its Functionality via creating new modules. Here we can create new modules which gives us flexibility & re-usability.
  1. Article searching
  2. Tag based filtering 
  3. Article list and detail articles 
  4. Author details page 
Let's discuss the CMS part first.
CMS structure
  1. Define module's folder structure
  2. DXA gives us predefined structure where we can putting all the building blocks of the module.
  3. For each new DXA module, we need to create a new folder in Modules Folder
  4. The name of folder is usually module name.
Next is creating the Schema and Component Templates. I have used dynamic components which render on the landing page as a list of articles and with details page link.

You need to create dynamic CT for the list of articles

Dynamic Component Template
Publish all the Dynamic Article components .
Dynamic N&M Components

To read dynamic Components we need to query Broker DB.
Get Article Dynamic Components ID

Build Criteria based on you will get the data from Broker DB
Now ,Let's see the Content Delivery 
New Area called NewsAndArticle in DXA 
Create new area in you DXA web Application. Here i have created Models,and helper class to get the data from broker using Broker Queries.

Register your views in NewsAndArticleAreaRegistration.cs . Once done now let run the application .

1. News and Article Landing Page
Landing Page
Here you can see list of articles are rendering from Broker DB using broker query .Using this view we can search an article ,filter by category and view the author details.

2. Search will search in the intro Text in metadata.
Search result
3. Filter your result based on Tags click on tag.
Result based on tags

4. Click on read more link for Article Details page 
Article details page
5. Author Details Page .
Author page

Happy coding and keep sharing !!!!