Friday, 30 March 2018

SDL Tridion India Dev Summit 2018

The fourth year in a row, Yes SDL Tridion India community has organized fourth SDL Tridion India Summit on 23rd and 24th March 2018.

People from the different regions joined in this event and shared their knowledge, experiences with others.

I also got the opportunity to participate in this event as a speaker and share my experience and process on MVP selection process. I also took this opportunity to share my knowledge with other and presented How we can use Docker to host DXA application. Learn more

What is SDL Tridion MVP Award

  • Each year SDL Tridion Most Valuable Professional Awards recognize individuals with a passion for sharing their knowledge and expertise.
  • You can share your Knowledge by writing Blog Post create videos or help other community members on Tridion StackExchange.
  • You can become a most valued professional (MVP) by sharing your passion, knowledge.
  • Upload your videos about SDL Tridion.
  • Passion is more important.


  • The nomination is open in December. To nominate you can send your details should include your blog post, videos URL, and TREX profile at
  • The selection panel will evaluate each nominee's voluntary contribution to the community over the past 12 months.
  • In the end, the MVP team is summarizing the results.
  • The MVP Award is usually announced at the Mid of February.

Some useful links related to SDL Tridion MVP Program

Like, As I mentioned I took this opportunity and shared my knowledge about how to run the  SDL DXA  in the Docker container.

Highlights of this year SDL Tridion India Dev Summit 


Day 1, The first session was about Tridion 9 Roadmap

Kurt introduced Tridion Docs 

Followed by Alvin (Go To Market), Pankaj (Upgrade Strategies), and Venu (UDP and Content Mashups)

 Day 2, Nuno started the first session of Day 2 and giving insights about SDL Cloud features

Followed By
  • Rajesh Kumar from SDL shared thoughts on pre-sales demo.
  • Kurt started a demo on Tridion Docs
  • Sayantan from SDL explained the connectors
  • Priyank from Content Bloom gave a live demo of how to use Core Service PowerShell module.
  • Raj Kumar from Sapient demonstrated various Tridion caching techniques  
  • Pankaj presented his second session on UDP

It was a great experience meeting all of you at SDL Tridion India Dev Summit, Hope to see you again next year.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

RUN SDL DXA inside Windows Docker Container

In one of my previous blog post, we learned, How to run SDL DXA theming inside Docker. Today we are going to run SDL DXA in Window Docker. It is really quick and easy. To learn more about my previous blog post click here.

Steps to setup you SDL DXA-WEBAPP in Docker

  1. Download DXA latest version from SDL GITHUB account.
  2. Create a folder at any location, this path will be used as a physical location when you run the web-install.ps1.
  3. Go to the Root directory and create Dockerfile.
  4. Here, it is very important to understand that what all you need to have in your DockerFile. I faced couple of issues while I was working on this but managed to solve all of them.
  5. Once your SDL DXA is installed copy and paste below sample Dockerfile content in your file.
  6.  FROM microsoft/aspnet  
     RUN New-Item c:\sdldxaindocker -type directory  
     WORKDIR /sdldxaindocker  
     COPY ./DXADOCKER/ .  
     RUN Remove-WebSite -Name 'Default Web Site'   
     RUN New-Website -Name 'DXADOCKER' -Port 80 -PhysicalPath 'c:\sdldxaindocker'  -ApplicationPool '.NET v4.5'  
  7. Open PowerShell in Admin mode and navigate to root directory created in step 2.
  8. Run the following Docker commands.
    • docker build -t sdldxaindocker .     (refer ScreenShot 1)
    • docker run -d --name sdldxaindockerimage sdldxaindocker  (refer Screenshot 2)
    • docker inspect -f  "{{ NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" sdldxaindockerimage  (refer ScreenShot 3)
  9. Last step set-TtmWebsite and update the -BaseUrls
Advantages of using Docker.
  1. You can connect your source code with docker and with this it will keep your code in-sync/updated with your Docker container and solve your CI problems.
  2. You can run this container on any platform.
  3. Automate your build and test pipelines and accelerate your software development.
  4. Minimum Infrastructure.
  5. Load-Balancing can be managed easily.
  6. Improve Efficiency of DevOps.
  7. Easy Distribution, share, and configuration of applications.
  8. Easy and real-time scaling of application 

The output of your Docker commands.

ScreenShot 1
ScreenShot 2
Screenshot 3

Browse the URL

Happy coding and keep sharing !!!!