Showing posts with label windows 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows 10. Show all posts

Thursday 15 November 2018

SDL Tridion Sites 9 with DXA 2.0 on Windows 10

On Wednesday 7th NOV, SDL Announces the new release SDL Tridion Sites 9 and I got this opportunity to explore this new version and today we are going to install the SDL Tridion 9 on Windows 10 (Not Recommended/supported by SDL though).

The first Step is Install Database by running the PowerShell scripts. I have MSSQL Server 2016 SP2 Developer Edition installed on my local machine and the following DBs are installed.

Next is run the SDLTridionSites9.exe installer but this time from the command line.

Once the step is finished successfully you would able to browse the SDL Tridion Sites 9.
SDL Tridion Sites 9

Next Step is Installed the Content Delivery Microservice and for that go to the installation media folder and navigate to \Content Delivery\resources\quickinstall

First, we need to update the setenv.ps1 and after the run the quickinstall.ps1 

After the quickinstall.ps1 stop executing go and check the windows services to confirm the service are installed properly and they are running as well.
and last the discovery-registration.jar to update the capabilities.

So we finally able to install SDL Tridion Sites 9 and all Microservice on Windows 10 but we also need to updte the Topology Manager to be able to start Publishing and for that, we need to open PowerShell in Administrator mode and run the following command in the sequence.

 > Add-TtmCdTopologyType -Id "TOPOLOGYTYPEID" -Name "TOPOLOGYTYPENAME" -EnvironmentPurposes “PURPOSES”  
 > Add-TtmCdEnvironment -Id "CDENVIRONMENTID" -EnvironmentPurpose "CDENVIRONMENTPURPOSE" -DiscoveryEndpointUrl "DISCOVERYENDPOINTURL"   
 > Add-TtmCdTopology -Id "TOPOLOGYID" -Name "TOPOLOGYNAME" -CdTopologyTypeId "TOPOLOGYTYPEID" -CdEnvironmentIds "CDENVIRONMENTIDS"  
 > Add-TtmWebsite -Id "WEBSITEID" -CdEnvironmentId "CDENVIRONMENTID" -BaseUrls “BASEURLS”  

Once that is done you can create a dummy publication create BPT map that BPT with Topology Type, create SG and page and test publishing.

I've installed the latest DXA CMS import, Downloaded the DXA .NET Framework and we also need DXA-Model-Service from SDL official GitHub, after some tweak in the code I was able to run the DXA web application.
DXA CMS import

DXA WEB Application 

Happy coding and Keep Sharing !!!