Showing posts with label taxonomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taxonomy. Show all posts

Friday 4 March 2016

Drop down on page (DD4T MVC)should be in sync with Custom database. Create Keywords update Component and publish page

Requirement :- All filter drop down on DD4T MVC page should be in sync real-time with custom database

All the above drop-down are populating based on category and keywords.So we need to read client database create  keyword update the component presentation of filter component and publish the page.

Here, I have created the C# console application which keep on running and making sure that the SQL database and tridion taxonomies are in sync.

I have escaped the code of SQL connectivity and loops to iterate the data :)  
  1. Create core service ISessionAwareCoreService Client
public static class CoreServiceConnectionScheme
        public const String netTcp = "net.tcp";
        public const String wsHttp = "http";
        public const String undefined = "undefined";

    public static class CoreServiceFactory
        public static ICoreServiceFrameworkContext GetCoreServiceContext(Uri endpointUri, NetworkCredential windowsNetworkCredentials)
            switch (endpointUri.Scheme.ToLower())
                case CoreServiceConnectionScheme.wsHttp:
                    return GetWsHttpContext(endpointUri, windowsNetworkCredentials);
                case CoreServiceConnectionScheme.netTcp:
                    return GetNetTcpContext(endpointUri, windowsNetworkCredentials);
                    throw new ArgumentException("The uri connection scheme specified [{0}] is invalid; a valid scheme (ie. http for WsHttp, or net.tcp for NetTcp must be specified).");
public static ICoreServiceFrameworkContext GetWsHttpContext(Uri endpointUri, NetworkCredential windowsNetworkCredentials)
return new CoreServiceFrameworkWsHttpContext(endpointUri, windowsNetworkCredentials);
public static ICoreServiceFrameworkContext GetNetTcpContext(Uri endpointUri, NetworkCredential windowsNetworkCredentials)
return new CoreServiceFrameworkNetTcpContext(endpointUri, windowsNetworkCredentials);

   2. Go to Main method 

static void Main(string[] args)
Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "Calling Keyword creation process");           
Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "Calling Keyword creation process End"); 

    3. Create a class

public class CreateKeywords

public static ICoreServiceFrameworkContext coreService = null;
public static void Process()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
coreService = CoreServiceFactory.GetCoreServiceContext(new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CoreServiceURL"].ToString()), new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"].ToString()));

#region Creating Keywords and updating component
Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "Checking keyword already exist in tridion or not");  
TridionObjectInfo obj = Helper.GetTridionObject(coreService, ItemType.Keyword, "tcm:1-440-512", "Test");
var tcmID = obj.ObjectCount == 0 ? TridionKeyword.GenerateKeyword(coreService, "3 Test", "Test", "tcm:1-440-512") : "";
Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "Returned Tcmuri of keyword " + tcmID);

ComponentData component = (ComponentData)coreService.Client.Read(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompId"].ToString(), new ReadOptions());

4. Create new element in component.Content XML 

XmlElement createchild = doc.CreateElement("Filter1");
createchild.InnerText = 3 Test;

component.Id = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompId"].ToString();
Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "Updating Component " + component.Id);
component = (ComponentData)coreService.Client.Update(component, new ReadOptions());

 Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "Updating Component done " + component.Id + "Sending page for publishing " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PageId"].ToString());


5.To Generate Keywords

public static string GenerateKeyword(ICoreServiceFrameworkContext coreService, string value, string key, string CategoryID)
                KeywordData keyword = (KeywordData)coreService.Client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.Keyword, CategoryID);
                keyword.Id = "tcm:0-0-0";
                keyword.Title = value;
                keyword.Key = key;

                keyword = (KeywordData)coreService.Client.Create(keyword, new ReadOptions());
                Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.INFO, "KeyWord TcmID :" + keyword.Id.ToString() + " Under category ID" + CategoryID);
                return keyword.Id.ToString();
            catch(Exception ex)
                Logger.WriteLog(Logger.LogLevel.ERROR, "GenerateKeyword :" + ex.Message);             
                return "";
6. To Publish Use

coreService.Client.Publish(new[] { PageId}, pubData, new[] { target.ToString() }, PublishPriority.High, null);

7. On your DD4T Mvc App you can bind dropdown with keywords

<select id="Filter1">                    
@if (Model.Fields.ContainsKey("Filter1"))
foreach (var value in Model.Fields["Filter1"].Keywords)
<option value="@value.Key">@value.Title</option>                       

Happy Coding and keep Sharing !!!!